Travelling Free

How to Recover from the Past by Changing your Beliefs
During painful and challenging times we often form beliefs that block future happiness and success. We continue to live by those limiting beliefs without being aware of it. They lead us down very different paths from the ones we take when we are clearer and happier. Travelling Free is a workshop-in-a-book to help you identify and clear those beliefs, learn how to make better choices and how to tap into your natural desire and creativity.

Recover, flourish and thrive!

Travelling Free gives insight into freedom from victimization through outworn memories–to use your memories without allowing your memories to use you.”  —Deepak Chopra

“A valuable tool for those seeking peace and direction.” —Bernie Siegel

To order “Travelling Free” at Amazon:
Travelling Free Print Version
Travelling Free for Kindle



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  1. Pingback: Healing the Disaster Within | Mandy Evans

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